Are you ready for swimsuit season?

One Size does not Fit All


(30 day devotional)

by Ann Marshall

is FREE on Kindle June 1-5, 2017


Are you ready to tackle your mountain? ONE SIZE does not FIT ALL is a 30 day devotional designed to give you the tools you need to tackle the mountain of losing weight and keeping it off permanently – God’s way – no matter what size mountain you’re facing. This devotional takes into account the fact that every person is an individual and every person is different in exactly what it will take to overcome whatever size mountain is being faced. ONE SIZE does not FIT ALL shows that our uniqueness reveals our need to go to God (our Creator) to find out the customized plan He has designed for us, personally, to not only lose weight, but to keep it off for good.

How do I know the concepts in this book work? Because I have been learning them and putting them into practice myself over the past 15+ years and I, personally, have lost over 40 lbs. and have gained permanent victory in overcoming my own mountain by following God’s customized plan for me.

Allow me to share scriptures along with my personal experience and insights I’ve gained, and you too can discover how letting God direct your weight loss efforts can give you permanent victory over your mountain as well!

Click on the following link to get your FREE KINDLE download June 1-5, 2017:

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